Thursday, November 26, 2009


Hey guys, and Happy Thanksgiving. This is more or less just a post to clear my mind about some.. things. I personally do not care who sees this, I just don't want any ''well she said this on her blog...." crap. Got it? Good. This is my blog and I'm not going to limit my blogging due to worrying about what might me said. End of story. This post has nothing to due with ANY one person. I just need to rant for a few minutes to I can get things in order in my head.
So anyways, latley I've been dealing with misunderstandings and crap. That's the only thing you can call it, crap. I don't know why this always happens to me.. Maybe I am too confrontational.. maybe I let my temper get the best of me... maybe I should live and let live when things make me mad.. I don't know. I'm personally just over drama. Why do all teenage girls have to be like this.. If it's not at the barn it's at school. Not at school, it's at the barn. I know I officially DO NOT like texting your close friends. In the words of my trainer and some other people, ''you can't see what people mean when they text. You cant see their facial expression, whether they were joking, or serious. It's just best to call.'' So that is what I am going to be doing when I feel myself getting flustered and mad at a person from now on. I am just going to calmy call and get it over with. Why make it akward the next time you see that person? I know I have ruined at least a few friendships with close friends by texting them. Part of the time I don't even want to argue I just say stuff out of frustration like ''unless [a name that will remain annonymous] is a controlling snob then I don't see why it matters.'' I truley feel bad about that, but I can't take it back. I need to appologize, and I will eventually. I'm the type of person that is SO SHY and SO NERVOUS around certain people that I never get anything done. I just stand there with my face blushed and say the occasional ''hmhhhhmmm...'' because I guess I don't have people skills. I'll work on that..
So yeah there you go. That is my last two weeks in a nut shell. Drama, drama, drama. I have also had to make up my mind about whether I want to take the chance and buy a ''flip of the coin'' horse. It's like one minute he's sane and the next minute he is either pawing out of frustration or just freezing up out of stubbornedness. I feel a connection though, I don't know what to do. Grr the frustrations of being horse crazy. I am going to ride the flippy horse some more and then make my final descistion on him. I thought I didn't want him, but I don't know.

End of rant.

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